With regulators still mulling what action to take on UK gambling laws it’s clear that many in the industry are keen to show that they’re already taking action. Most recent among the safer gambling moves from big gambling companies is a partnership between BetBull and beBettor.
BetBull are a casino and sports betting company, who operate in the UK as Betbull Games Limited. They have now partnered with beBettor a company that uses data as a way to keep customers safer while they enjoy safe, responsible gambling.
This is a tech solution to a human problem. beBettor use the APi (an application programming interface that helps different software apps to talk to each other) to supply information to BetBull.
BetBull will use this information to better understand how their customers are behaving, and use that information to make their services for customers safer.
People who have gambling problems often don’t realise that they are getting into trouble. Denial is one of the most famous symptoms of addiction, and the “intervention” that is such a famous part of the recovery process, is outside actors trying to make someone admit to themselves what everyone else can clearly see.
For gamblers, this can mean spending beyond your means. BetBull will now be able to spot spending patterns that might be dangerous so that they can alert customers to problems.
“It is great for us to announce our new partnership with BetBull who are at the cutting edge of the industry today,” said beBettor’s Scott McGregor.
This partnership will produce “affordability checks” as Ian Tannock, the Safer Gambling Chief at BetBull explained:
“We are delighted to be working with beBettor on affordability. We’ve been really impressed with the beBettor team and their friendly support and approach has been first class. It was a major factor in our decision to proceed with integrating beBettor’s affordability solution.”
BetBull are following the lead of campaigners and the UK’s current gambling regulator, the UK Gambling Commission. Affordability monitors spending and raises red flags when it looks like it might be getting out of control. Some high profile – and tragic – cases of gambling problems have involved players spending tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds in short periods of time. It’s the sort of spending a millionaire can sustain, but for most people it’s unaffordable and it may be a sign of a problem.
For players themselves, a good understanding of their own behaviour and their own spending is a great first step in enjoying safe gambling. You can already set spending, deposit, and withdrawal limits at many online casino sites.
BetBull are licensed by the UK Gambling Commission and provide services through an app that offers both live sports betting, virtual sports betting, and casino and slot games. The company has no sanctions on its licensing and its apps are available from the App Store and Google Play.
beBettor is a UK company that runs a number of single-customer and networked affordability check services and among their customers are some of the UK’s top 10 casino sites.